Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sammy Bear, what will you wear?

My family knows that when Samuel was born, Brenda took the kids to Build a Bear and designed a bear to represent Samuel in all our family pictures. Well, today the boys and I went to University Mall and I visited the Build a Bear there and found the cutest little outfit for our Sammy Bear. Since Samuel is in a very great sense a saving grace for our family, I thought a missionary outfit appropriate for him. Samuel would be 4 this year and I'm sure would look just as cute in a similar little outfit. :) Thanks Brenda and Robin for such a thoughtful gift to our family. He makes a wonderful little reminder of our little angel who is watching over us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

An Associates Degree in High School

As if the world doesn't already push kids to overachieve, we just found out that if Connor plans his classes right and takes some online classes in the summer, he could have his associates degree by the time he graduates from high school! One: the fact that I just attended my sons high school planning meeting with his counselor and that he will officially be a high schooler next year was crazy enough, but his counselor really thinks Connor could do the program- in other words he's very bright and would do well in the Honors, AP and College classes. Eeek! I swear just yesterday he was learning to walk with his arms straight up in the air. What happened!! Two: doesn't that mean that driving is right around the corner! Gasps, Screams of horror from the peanut gallery.

Children watch your every move

So its Homeade Pizza Saturday and I had finished separating the dough balls of the second batch and had left them to rest on a little flour and went to my room. I returned 6 minutes later to find Emma had pushed a chair over to the counter and had started rolling out the dough by herself!!! and was doing a heck of a job too. Ok, is my baby starving or is she just anxious to the rest of the process over. Of course, Paris wanted her turn as well. Cute girls! They are soo much fun. If you look close you can see the missing tooth in front. Notice Emma's outfit... Dora. She loves to play dress up with her Dora clothes. Who would have thought that purple, pink and orange would be such a fashion statement in a two year old's world.

Zachary's Science Fair Project

I suppose every parent of a 5th grader dreads the day they bring home the science fair assignment. Having already had the experience with Connor, I knew that it would mean countless hours of experiments on the kitchen floor or table. The late night push the night before the actual fair to finish the tri fold display board. Then the dread sets in... what is he/she going to choose? Connor chose a mouse trap car. Which meant hours of this wild thing whipping around my kitchen floor testing distance. Zachary chose to experiment on a Reed Switch Motor. Ok, first of all, I didn't even know what that was... where does he come up with these things- oh yeah, internet access.:) He chose to test the difference of the wire guage effect on the speed of the motor. My boys are so smart... its amazing their dad and I can keep up.