Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who let the dogs out?

Casey has a new name, true to puppy form, he has found a way into the neighbor's yard to play with their German Sheppard 'Sunny'. Lucky for him she is so good natured and enjoys his company. I've caught her coming to our fence and barking at him to come see her. :) So Casey is now 'Houdini dog' I have replaced all the wire ties on that side of the fence but he has still found a way around.

The past two weeks we have been working on Casey's dog house, it's really sturdy and should eventually allow him to be outside in any weather. It's fully insulated and we'll put a heat lamp in it for really cold days. I had Craig put a heater vent in it to vent the heat in the summer, its louvered so that we can keep it closed off during the winter. The roof will lift up so we can get to his bedding to change periodically. Craig plans on putting car trunk hydraulic supports to raise it up and down. Spoiled puppy!

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