Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas has come to the Boormans's

Last Saturday, while Craig, Connor and Austin (cousin) were working on the dog house, Paris and I worked on the Christmas decorations. She helped me set up the Christmas village, I loved her stories as she set the people in their places and was chattering on about what they were doing and why they were standing where they were. It reminded me of making gingerbread houses in Connecticut with Mom. We put my little red VW bug in a snow drift of frosting... I still remember that- its a fun memory. Good times! Emma's not really aware of the village, thank goodness so it is safe in its current location. I hung the tin star that we got in San Diego above the village, it looks really cute.uII the

Who let the dogs out?

Casey has a new name, true to puppy form, he has found a way into the neighbor's yard to play with their German Sheppard 'Sunny'. Lucky for him she is so good natured and enjoys his company. I've caught her coming to our fence and barking at him to come see her. :) So Casey is now 'Houdini dog' I have replaced all the wire ties on that side of the fence but he has still found a way around.

The past two weeks we have been working on Casey's dog house, it's really sturdy and should eventually allow him to be outside in any weather. It's fully insulated and we'll put a heat lamp in it for really cold days. I had Craig put a heater vent in it to vent the heat in the summer, its louvered so that we can keep it closed off during the winter. The roof will lift up so we can get to his bedding to change periodically. Craig plans on putting car trunk hydraulic supports to raise it up and down. Spoiled puppy!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Who we are!

I am a mother of 4 living in Saratoga Springs, Ut. I enjoy quilting, scrapbooking, movies-videos, books, cross stitch, and watching my children grow. Craig and I own our own business Certified Auto Care and are just completing our 10th year of operation. We live on the NW shore of Utah lake and enjoy the wildlife in the area immensely. The Blue Heron are gorgeous when they fly over. Fall is a fun time for the honking geese that are flying over as they migrate south. They are so loud that they can be heard all the way inside the house. We are enjoying the warmer temperatures this Fall, walking to the bus stop for Paris in the mid morning is much more pleasant.