Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spoiled Puppy

Today we went to Petsmart to find a new collar for Casey because he had grown out of his first one, and while we were there we found a nice dog bed for him so that I can put the blanket away finally. Emma and I were walking looking at the hamsters and birds, and we found the christmas toys that were 75% off. He has been so good with his reindeer that he got for Christmas that I asked Emma to find another toy for him. She chose a Christmas mouse. So now Casey gathers his little friends around him as he snuggles down to nap, he doesn't bite them, usually if he picks them up he does so really softly with his mouth- he licks them a couple of times then proceeds to fall asleep. Now not being a dog owner before I don't know if this is common but Casey sleeps sometimes with his feet straight up in the air. His sleeping positions are a source of humor in our house. The girls crawled into his fenced area to play with him in his new bed, it was so sweet that we took a picture of them.

Paris has a loose tooth

It is official, our Paris has finally gotten a loose tooth after much waiting. It has been a topic of conversation lately because many of her kndergarten friends have already lost one. This may be the last picture for awhile with all of Paris' teeth in her mouth

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's Pizza Night!

Ok, for my much more together sisters this won't seem like a big deal, but I actually made pizza from scratch the other night. It was a Saturday, so I had plenty of time to make the dough etc, well, it was such a big hit (even though I've known how, I've never made homeade pizza for my children before) Zach has officially declared that Saturday nights are homeade pizza night. Every Sat. night.:) Craig loves to get creative with the pizza and I am actually surprised at how quickly I can put together 2-4 pizzas. It really isn't much cheaper than the cheap 5 buck place but it is better for that price, and well there is the whole "mother of the year" thing that I'm trying to win-I've already gotten major points for the first two weekends. I might even have enough points by the time I've done this for a few weeks that I won't even need to worry about blowing it. ha ha

No, its not a child labor violation!

Emmalee is my child that loves to write on walls, she scored a colored pencil out of Zach's room the other night and had drawn all the way down the wall and hall, how the rest of us missed her doing this I don't know, but she is fast. She had so much fun cleaning the walls, now I'm worried she'll find reasons to clean the walls by drawing more often. Shoot!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Casey got snipped

Poor Casey, due to some not so PC behavior lately, we decided to up his nueter appt. to today. I was worried that he was developing bad habits that might not go away with the neutering if we waited much longer, so he is now an "IT dog" as my boys call him now.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bat Dog

The men in my life the other night were in tears laughing so hard at the pictures they were taking of Casey. They asked me to post them, other than the entertainment value they gave my obviously bored children and husband, they are rather silly. I've included a picture of how big he is getting.

Dancing Brenda

So last night I'm sitting on the couch watching some tv program waiting for the 8:00 hour to finally hit :) and I hear Emma singing so I turned around and she is dancing her little doll on the floor by the fridge and singing "Dancing, dancing, dancing" she noticed I was looking at her and got embarrassed and ran over to me to bury her head in the red cuddlebag. So I asked her what her doll's name was and she said, "Brenda" and then added "Dancing Brenda". She has continued to call the doll "Dancing Brenda" not just Brenda and even demanded to sleep with her last night. She is such an imaginative little girl. Just for future reference can any of you bloggers out there tell me how to fix a sideways picture.