Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I can hardly wait!

I once again visited the Twilight site to see if any new pictures had been posted, here's a new one I found as well as the newest trailer. http://www.comcast.net/data/fan/html/popup.html?launchpoint=Search&repeat_search_query=twilight%20movie&v=898304730

The Harry Potter sites are still showing the old trailer;however, I found this new trailer, check it out:
http://www.comcast.net/movies/reelnews/1433/firstlooknewharrypottertrailer/ The Britains have an awesome trailer out right now for Harry Potter, much better than the teaser they've had out before. Twilight's new trailer is also verrry yummy! If you are a fan and haven't seen the trailers out check out the addresses above.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Playoff Update

The boys played their hearts out but we lost, 41 to 7. The season is over for the Spartans. I have to say that for a first year team who had never played together before, who was expected to be bottom of the barrel in performance this year-the Spartans really showed them! They lost only 3 games out of 10 and only to the hardest teams. Good job boys, and thank you coaches. Because we have no high school yet, we had no high school coach so all of our coaches were volunteers coaching against regular hs coaches. They did an exceptional job with the boys and their dedication is to be commended. They coached in their free time after work, on weekends and in the early morning so that these boys could have the best experience possible and prepare them for next year. It is because of their dedication that we will have a good Varsity team next year in a brand new high school. Hats off to the coaches: Coach Parker, Coach Bates, Coach Martin, Coach Canfield and (the one whose name I can never remember:? the Coach with one artificial leg (seriously, he only has one leg).
So the football saga comes to an end.
Phew, I'm not going to miss all the time involved! But I will miss the fun and camraderie.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Playoffs begin

We woke up this morning to the poster and balloons on our front porch. I guess the cheerleaders were pretty busy this morning. I immediately woke Connor up, he is soo funny, you could tell he was pleased but he was trying to stay cool. Ha ha Today is the first playoff game at 4:00pm in Pleasant Grove.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Basement Bathroom #1 Progress

We've been slowly working on the 3/4 of our basement that remain unfinished. The electrician came two weeks ago and basicly rewired the unfinished rooms with separate switches and plugs, night lights in the hallway (which he left for me to install), and the washer and dryer plugs for the laundry room downstairs, etc. Anyway, this past weekend Dad and Mom came for Zach's birthday and ordination and Dad helped us get a cast iron tub in and put up the green board for the walls. We have a room! Thanks Dad, you were just the push we needed to keep going. Today, which is also Emmalee's birthday, I had the plumber here to finish the toliet, sink and shower valve. The travertine tile went in last night, and he came back this evening to finish the grout. I was working on the wainscot for the wall behind the toliet and sink, it isn't quite finished because we need to finish the mudding and taping this weekend before I put the top molding on. Progressss! We have a working toilet in the basement!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The batteries in my camera were dead!

Last game before the playoffs and my camera batteries were dead. The Spartans played Orem HS tonight... we lost 30 to 25 the boys actually intercepted the ball at our 15 yard line with 10 secs left on the clockin the 4th quarter but the QB threw the pass a little to far to the left and the Reciever couldn't reach it in the end zone so we lost by a very little bit really. The boys played hard! After the game, I had a car full. Connor's friends got dropped off at the game and then didn't have rides home (who does that?) We were in Orem so I piled everybody in the car and brought them home. It was fun! The girls totally razzed Connor, you can tell they are all good friends and have fun together. He took it and gave it right back, respectfully of course. Anyway, Playoffs are in two weeks so we get a couple days break from everyday practices. Yeah!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The winning streak has been broken

As you all know our family's current pasttime is attending weekly football games to cheer our Spartans on. We played Springville this last week on Thursday night and finally met our match. I love Springville, as many know we lived there for about 13 years, it was great to be back in the city. I think that the Springville freshman team had 3x the number of players that we did... and they were all very large boys. Ok, I'm sure they weren't all huge, but the ones we walked by as we were leaving were taller than Connor or at least as tall- an Connor is one of maybe 4 on our team that are almost or are 6'0. Wow! I knew there was something in that Springville water. Anyway, about the loss. I have to say that our boys really played hard and did the best they could- hats off to the offense who time after time marched that ball down the field yard by yard to finally score. Springville won 40 to 15. We (Craig, Cory,Zachary, Paris, Emmalee, and Connor's friend McKenna) cheered until we were hoarse. Threw the football back and forth to each other (this was Emma's favorite thing to do), ate the worst Taco Bell meal I've ever had, and groaned as their fresh players shot past our players to score. The little girls danced to the music, and Zachary and Paris played catch on the sideline for a little while.